Tuesday, May 26, 2015

My QR Code

This was an interesting endeavor. I have never used a QR Code and here I am creating one. I have heard of them and have seen them around, but I never made the effort to download the app to read the codes. So this was a first all around for me.

I easily created this QR code with Zebra Crossing from ZXing Project's free QR Code Generator. It was pretty simple. I went to the website and once I figured out that I needed to just use the URL option instead of the contact option that required entering my name, phone number, and address, I was set. I wondered why the code kept taking me to my contact list. Then I was like, "Aha! a drop down list." I chose URL and entered my Joomla! website URL and clicked "Generate." Presto! I have the code above.

Now my next feat will be trying to figure out how to embed the following code on my blog. Here is the code that I can embed into a website or blog: 

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