Friday, May 29, 2015

A Review of What I'm Learning

In Module 3 we've been learning about cloud networks, 3D printers, QR codes, gamification, and open source software. Cloud networks include products like Dropbox and Google Docs. These storage networks allow sharing of information with others no matter the distance between them. Information can be shared without being tied to one location because it is available for retrieval through the internet.

Printing using 3D printers takes 3D images and creates physical representations from plastic. The equipment drips melted plastic onto a surface and as it cools another layer is added building upon the first until an object takes form. A device like this can assist students to develop objects that can assist learning in subjects like engineering and art.

A QR code is similar to a barcode and can hold a variety of information. I was able to create a code for my website using free software from the internet.  These codes are easy to access using a QR app and a mobile device with a camera. This can provide library users with more information and enhance their learning experiences.

I also read about gamification which uses games, contests, awards, and incentives to encourage learning. Scavenger hunts are an example of a game that can be utilized to get library users involved in library programs and bring awareness to services. 

Also in the reading are articles about the advantages of open source software to libraries. These OSS are especially valuable as budget constraints threaten library services. These are only a few of the many technologies and so much still to discover.


  1. Hi Cherese, I love the look of your website. This week has certainly provided lots of information with our discussions of OSS, Gamification, 3D Printing, and QR codes. I had never heard the term "gamification" until reading the literature and I definitely didn't realize I have participated in the activity. I can't believe we only have one more week to go. Yay!

  2. Thank you, Ann. I'm glad we have one week left too. I'm still trying to figure out how three weeks felt like two months. Lol.
