Friday, May 22, 2015


I have been having a tough time.

We have just entered Module 2 of an intensive three-week journey through Applied Tech Library Practice #MLIS7505. I was totally excited about building my own website. I watched the tutorials. My mind was blown with how easy everything was and all the cool options I could explore. I thought about what kind of website I wanted and the color scheme. I was ready. Then I sat down at my computer.

Is it me or does Joomla hate my Mac?

I started off well. I signed it. Then everything went to pot. The screen I saw was NOT the screen on the tutorial. There was nothing indicating that I had skipped a step or anything like that. But here I was stuck without any idea how to get that screen from the tutorial to show up on my computer. I was beyond stressed. So I said, "Maybe tomorrow."

Tomorrow was no better.
I ended up not just deleting but "destroying" my demo account, and I had to start over. Seeking help on the #MLIS7505 forum and the help menu on SiteGround, I was finally able to change my website title. I'm sure there are other setup steps that I neglected to follow, however, let us not forget that my Joomla demo did not look like the tutorial when I signed in.

So praying every step of the way and reinstalling Akeeba and JCE at least three times, I finally got the site to stop saying, "Ooops this site is not here. Check back later" or some other such nonsense. I am slowly pressing on learning as I go. My experience with Joomla and SiteGround is a little like the McLean and Burridge (2013) article From Mess to CMS: the transformation of a library website in that I have to make a lot of mistakes to make progress.

If this wasn't for a grade, would I give up? I'm a procrastinator and perfectionist to the depth of my being, but I am in no way, form or fashion, a quitter. I will press on!

I still want to add some cool color and graphics but you can see my work in progress here:


  1. Hey Cherese! I haven't really started my Joomla project but you have me worried! Quick question - do you think you had problems because you were trying to download Joomla even though you only had the demo account? I was wondering about that. The tutorial videos assume you have the full account (and hence the same screen they showed when you first log in) but I don't have that screen either. I haven't tried to DO anything yet though so I have no idea. Just a thought. I wish you luck getting this thing off the ground.

  2. I think the demo version is definitely the source of our troubles. Good luck to you too, Ashley.
